Monday, August 11, 2008

Love Hate Relationship

It is easy to find yourself constantly complaining in a country where everything about life is entirely unpredictable. Every morning I wake up to find myself trying to plan out my day, the North American organization trait I never knew I had. I jump into the shower hoping for hot water contemplating how long it will take me to get to the city center. I know that I will call a taxi and he will tell me he will arrive to pick me up in 25 minutes but really that means 45. Then I give myself another 30 minutes to sit in a jam and another 10 minutes for the "short cut". Eventually I know I will reach my destination but it may take hours. I never realized how much I cared about time until now, where I have become hostage to it and truly have absolutely no control.

Just the other day I arrived at Garden City Shopping Centre after having nearly lost my life on a motorcycle taxi, boda, when the driver dramatically swerved into oncoming traffic because a cow started pissing on us, with a dying urge myself to use the toilets. I had no idea where the toilets were so I rushed to the security guard pleading for directions, hoping I wouldn't have to pay for them. After figuring it out, penniless, and then finding them I ran in and found myself trudging through water nearly three inches deep. The toilet had overflowed. Now disgusted and not sure I am going to make it I shuffle up three ramps to find another set of toilets where upon my entering I find a man in the woman's restroom peeing all over the seat with the door wide open. I start dancing and shoot him an evil glare. He hurries and I find myself just making it. I was relieved despite the fact that there was no toilet paper and I had lost twenty minutes of my day finding the toilets. It's Uganda and it's unpredictable. I suppose that is why I love it and hate it. We definitely have a love hate relationship right now.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

"the driver dramatically swerved into oncoming traffic because a cow started pissing on us"


Glad you made it. Things will get better once you're more adjusted. It was so hard for us to figure everything out here.

When do you start school. The kids come tomorrow. I can't believe it.