Sunday, August 31, 2008


Mom said...

Ok, Kel, that may be typical Africa but it's also typical Kelly. Situations turn into hilarity because YOU are hilarious. I feel compelled to warn your new friends what they're in for but apparently they've already had their first taste. It brings to mind the many cases of out of control laughter just trying to make it through Safeway. I really miss you!

KatieBuk said...

Fisch- I love reading what you're up to and am so happy to hear you're highs are outweighing the lows :) (not that I ever doubted they would for you!)When are you going to do the big climb??? That sounds amazing. When should Ack and I come visit!? I miss you and wish we got the chance to reconnect before you left...Please keep the blogging/updating...I love reading about your adventure.
Love & miss you Fischy!
- Buck